Англо-русский научно-технический словарь


1) деформация, изменение формы 2) деформирование, искажение, искривление • base of deformation — база деформации deformation in itself — матем. деформация в себе deformation at rapture — деформация при разрыве shear deformation in torsion — деформация сдвига при кручении under deformation — при деформации - almost complex deformation - analytic deformation - areal deformation - asymptotic deformation - automorphic deformation - bedding deformation - chain deformation - combinatory deformation - compact deformation - conformal deformation - constant deformation - continuous deformation - contour deformation - crushing deformation - deformation of surface - differentiable deformation - elementary deformation - fatigue deformation - film deformation - focal deformation - homogeneous deformation - homotopic deformation - hyperplanar deformation - induced deformation - inextensional deformation - infinitesimal deformation - inhomogeneous deformation - interior deformation - isometric deformation - isotopic deformation - metric chain deformation - point deformation - product deformation - projective deformation - pseudotrivial deformation - quasiasymptotic deformation - radial deformation - retracting deformation - rigid deformation - semisingular deformation - simple deformation - strongly singular deformation - structural deformation - surface plastic deformation - symmetry-breaking deformation - tangent deformation - topological deformation - uniform deformation - universal deformation - weakly projective deformation - weakly singular deformation
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